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Add Some Celebrity Style to Your Big Day

Advice from The Wedding Expert
Celebrity Style

Celebrity Style

The Wedding Expert and author of Distinctive Weddings; Tying the Knot without the Rope Burns —

Bláithín O’ Reilly Murphy shares her thoughts with us on how you can plan your very own celebrity–inspired wedding day.

Celebrities, they seem to have it all. The looks, the locks and the lolly... especially when it comes to that day of days... the celebrity wedding day... indeed celebrity wedding week, as is often the case now.

If you crave some of that celebrity wedding panache but don’t have the million dollar celebrity wedding budget or hugely creative celebrity wedding planner, don’t worry, here are some great celebrity wedding trends and tips you can incorporate into your wedding day.

Make a Statement!

Celebrity Style

Celebrities are big and bold and so are the statements they make. For most of them, their wedding...or weddings...are amongst the biggest of statements they can make so they don’t hold back, particularly when it comes to colour. Big bold statements of colour are where it’s at. Key right now are coral and grey and cherry, red and lime... big for 2013? Plums, purples and burgundies.

Never Judge a Venue by Its Cover!

Key to a good celebrity wedding — right now — is hosting it in an intimate, unexpected setting. Regardless of your numbers, the emphasis is creating something intimate and cosy. Take your venue, say a barn or tent (both hot trends right now), and create inside something unexpected! Turn a barn into Bangkok, or go from the exterior of a modern hotel to the wilds of Africa... celebrity settings are all about the shockingly unexpected!

Celebrity Style

It’s All About the Goodies!

Every celebrity’s event has a goodie bag... a VERY expensive one... and every celebrity’s event always has good, no excellent, entertainment... so what are you to do when it comes to celebrity weddings? Combine the two of course! Popular at celebrity weddings is the ‘entertaining experience gift’ ...Think perfumery tents for the gals, where they sip champagne and ‘make’ their own wedding favors, their favourite scents and cigar tents for guys where they sip whiskey and roll their own cigars!

When Vera is Not on Speed Dial!

If you and Ms. Wang are not BFFs, don’t despair, TV Geek Chic is where the celebrities are at. Celebrity couples are adapting their favourite TV or Video Game persona’s as inspiration for their wedding attire. And, if they can’t decide on which persona they like best, well... they are having them all! Multiple dresses or outfits are a must at a celebrity wedding, so if you can’t decide on a wedding dress? Buy them both!

Celebrity Style

Bláithín O’ Reilly Murphy; The Wedding Expert is a Wedding Planner who works with a select number of clients each year to help them plan their weddings.

She writes the daily wedding inspiration blog, Wedding High and is author of Distinctive Weddings; Tying the Knot without the Rope Burns.