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Writing the Wedding Thank You Notes

Thank you notes: how to write wedding thank you notes

One of the numerous great aspects of weddings is receiving the gifts. Couples who are newly wed receive gifts that range from inexpensive yet still thoughtful, to elegant and high- priced items. You will absolutely need to write thank you notes to everyone who gave you a wedding gift, no matter what the gift was or who it was from.

It is of the utmost importance that you show your guests that you are very grateful for their thoughtfulness and that you are very thankful for their gift. Many people do just love to receive mail; a thank you note always makes a nice change from receiving a bill! And we are here to help you to get started on writing your thank you notes.

You should write your thank you notes as soon as you can after the wedding or as you receive each gift, which could even be before the wedding. If you put off writing your thank you notes, it quickly becomes 3 or 4 weeks after the wedding and you tend to think that it is now too late to send out the notes which means you end up not sending them at all. So we advise you make sure you send your thank you notes within two weeks as this is the recommended time limit for gifts received before the wedding. As for gifts received at the wedding, 1 month is an acceptable time limit.

All of your thank you notes need to be written by hand, either by you or by your spouse. It is unacceptable to send out notes that are messy or have spelling mistakes. Take some time to write out personal notes that are full of earnest.

All wedding thank you notes need to make a mention of the gift received. You could also mention how you plan to use the wonderful gift and just how much enjoyment it will bring you and your spouse.

Whilst you are taking the time to thank your guests for their generous gift, you should also thank them for taking the time to attend the wedding and to being part of your special day. If you are writing a thank you note to somebody who could not attend the wedding but still sent you a gift; you should thank them for this and say that you are truly sorry they could not attend the big day and that you would have loved it if they could have attended.

Be sure to use nice paper to write the thank you note on. Thank you cards can be printed at the same time as your wedding invitations, however they should be written by hand.